Tuesday 10 September 2013

Historical Vampire

Peter Plogojowitz

Peter Plogojowitz was a man from 1700s Serbia who died (don’t we all?). Except—according to some—he didn’t really stay dead. Within 10 weeks of his death, nine people died suddenly from a mystery illness, and prior to their deaths they all accused Peter Plogojowitz of throttling them in their dreams. Peter’s own son reported seeing him in the kitchen three days after his death, demanding food—before he also died mysteriously. Peter’s wife fled town after she alleged he’d shown up late one night to demand a pair of shoes.
The army was called in, and Peter’s body was exhumed. It was reported that he was breathing and that his open eyes were moving. A stake was put through his heart, resulting in a Tarantino-esque gushing of blood, and his body burned. The deaths and dreams all ended abruptly.

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