Friday 13 September 2013

Unfortunate Bodies: 7 Genetic Accidents You Ought to Believe

Wang Fang, China

Wang Fang, 27, of Chongqing city in China, was born with her feet facing the wrong way. She has learned to live with her condition without problems and recently refused a disability pension by being classified as disabled.

Man with a Tail – Chandre Oram, India
With a 13-inch tail, Chandre Oram, a tea-estate worker, is quite popular in and around his area. Oram has turned down offers from doctors for its removal by surgery. Doctors say that true tails are rare

Frog-like Baby – Somewhere in Nepal
The neck-less baby with its head almost totally sunk into the upper part of the body and with extraordinarily large eyeballs literally popping out of the eye-sockets was born in 2006 in Nepal. The baby, however, died after an hour of his birth.

Cyclop Baby – Somewhere in India
A cyclop baby, or say, baby with only one eye, was born in India in 2006. Experts believed it to be due to a chromosomal disorder, called cyclopia. The baby had no nose, only one eye at the center of her forehead, and her brain fused into a single hemisphere. The baby died a few days later.

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