Friday 13 September 2013

Most Incredible Sex Facts

5 Most Incredible Sex Facts

1.The average frequency for sex is two times per week

A Durex survey outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we're not all bunny rabbits! 

2. Heavier men last longer in bed

Put down the weights and grab a hamburger: Researchers in Turkey have finished a yearlong study that correlated body mass index with male sexual performance. Their findings may surprise you: Heavier men were able to make love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while slender men lasted an average of 108 seconds. The study, published in Nature, showed that overweight men had higher levels of the female estradiol hormone, which blocks male hormones and delays the climax.

3.Scratching your ankle feels as good as sex

The old phrase ‘You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' may need updating. The ankle has overtaken the back as the most satisfying spot to scratch, according to researchers at the Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina. In the study, reported in the British Journal of Dermatology, healthy volunteers were made to itch on the forearm, ankle and back by rubbing them with cowhage, a plant with tiny hairs that irritate the skin. Professor Francis McGlone, a member of the International Forum for the Study of Itch, said, "It was interesting that the ankle was the itchiest site and that the most pleasure came from scratching it, because the back has been well-known as a preferred site for scratching

4.Men think about sleep & food as much as sex

Men think about sex every seven seconds, right? Not according to a new study that finds men ponder sleep and food as much as they do sex. The study found that the median number of thoughts about sex by college-age men was 18 times a day to women's 10 times a day. But the men also thought about food and sleep proportionately more.

5.Finger length may indicate penis size

Hold up your right hand. Are your index and ring fingers mismatched? Congratulations, you're more likely than men with matching digits to have a long penis. A smaller ratio between the second and fourth fingers is linked to a longer stretched penis size, researchers report in the Asian Journal of Andrology. The findings go beyond providing a new finger ratio-based pick-up linefor men in bars, however; researchers say that a quick look at a man's fingers could reveal his exposure to male hormones in the womb, providing a hint about his risk for hormone-driven diseases like prostate cancer.

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