Friday 13 September 2013

Did You Know That A Woman Fabricated A Story About Being On The 78th Floor Of The World Trade Center At 9/11 While

Did You Know That A Woman Fabricated A Story About Being On The 78th Floor Of The World Trade Center At 9/11 While…

Alicia Esteve Head has been a president of the support group The World Trade Center Survivors’ Network until 2007 when it was revealed that her story was actually fake. She claimed she was one of the survivors while in reality she hadn’t even been to the United States before 2003.
Alicia claimed she was on the 78th floor of the World Trade Center when that exact same floor was hit by the first airplane. Only 19 people who happened to be at that floor or above survived and Alicia pretended to be one of them. She became popular in the media as the president of the support group and led tours for visitor at Ground Zero.

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