Friday 13 September 2013

An indian Airline Tactics

An indian Airline Tactics

An Indian Airline has decided to hire only women as flight attendants because they are 7-9 pounds lighter than their male colleagues.
The company is also planning to reduce the amount of water stored in the water tanks as well as the size of their in-flight magazine. All these big changes are taking place because of the rupee’s fall, which hurt the industry really badly.
The company has now 130 male flight attendants, who are going to keep their job positions, but during the next few years the company is planning to increase the number of its aircrafts to 80 and the future 2000 employees will be only women. They have estimated that every extra pound on one flight costs them 1.5 rupees (0.03 cents) per flying hour.
There have been some other cases in the past with different airline companies regarding crew weight. In all those cases crew members were encouraged to lose weight

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