Sunday 8 September 2013


if i had a guru, and i am looking for one , i should surrender myself body and soul to him . but in this age of unbelief a true guru is hard to find. A substitute will be worse than useless, often positively harmful, i must therefore warn all against accepting imperfect ones as gurus ....has a man ever learnt swimming by tying a stone to his neck?- M.K. Gandhi

kukarma of so called bapu's

1. Asaram was accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl at his ashram in Jodhpur on the pretext of exorcising her from evil spirits.

2.Two youngsters, Tanaya Thakur and Aritya Thakur, filed a report against self-proclaimed godman Nirmal Baba at a police station on Wednesday in Lucknow. They want the Baba punished for allegedly cheating ordinary people through his “impractical” solutions.

The list is not over blog is not enough write about these so called godman
As gandhi ji warned us a long time ago against "accepting imperfect ones as gurus". a guru by definition is vastly superior to his descipline. else the guru cannot command object obedience and blind trust from those who cast them selves at his feet . by trusting these imperfect specimens of humanity, we degrade and consign ourselves to a level below that of imperfection. unwittingly , we invite irrationality , existential insecurity and a life driven and riven by falsehood . hypocricy and moral anarchy. how else  can the so called followers ofa godman now posture themselves aggresively against the arm of law?

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