Saturday 14 September 2013

So cool! But how did they miss it when they built the original WTC?!

Did you know that workers at Ground Zero found an 

18th century wooden ship underneath the WTC and…

We are all familiar with the tragic story of World Trade Center in New York and the destructive attacks from 2001. The two towers collapsed after two hijacked planes crushed into them killing thousands of people and injuring many more. It’s a tragedy that we will remember for a long time. President Bush and Mayor Giuliani promised the site will be rebuilt and soon after clearing of debris the construction works began. Since then Ground Zero is a name used to define the site of the World Trade Center after the attacks.

In 2010 builders working at Ground Zero came upon an interesting archaeological finding – a wooden ship. Scientists dated it to the 18th century. The nearly 200-year-old boat is 9.8 meters long. Experts think it had been dump at this place in around 1810′s along with wooden beams. They suggest the boat was intentionally sunk in order to become part of the foundations of a new pier.


Meet Joe Lozito – Meet THE LEGEND!

On February 11, 2012 Joe Lazito was on the subway when knife-wielding manic killer Maksim Gelman started stabbing people at random. Luckily, Lazito was not just a big guy (6.2 ft, 270 pounds) but a martial arts-trained one as well. He managed to fight off the killer who had killed four people and stabbed another five until then. Lazito suffered many injuries though : he was grievously wounded and had several deep cuts around his neck and head.

However, the shocking part is yet to come : while Lazito was being attacked by Gelman, there was a police officer on the train who happened to witness the entire crime scene but did nothing to stop the killer. According to his testimony officer Terrance Howell hid,  thinking that Gelman might have a gun. Finding out about it, Lazito filed a civil suit against New York Police Department accusing them of negligence. City of New York attorneys claimed that police were not specially obliged to protect anyone from Gelman. The court ruled in NYPD’s favor dismissing Lazito’s suit.

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Friday 13 September 2013

An important development on HIV cure

An important development on HIV cure

HIV is one of those viruses that can make you lose your life. There was no cure for this virus in past but now there is a development on this front. Scientists have invented a vaccine and test that on monkeys. Firs the monkeys are injected with SIV "Simian Immunodeficiency Virus” and then use the vaccine to cure them. Scientists have picked up sixteen monkeys for injecting the virus; nine of them are fully cured with the help of vaccine. At start it is thought that if this vaccine do not works then all the monkeys will be dead in two years but they all survived.
This SIV virus is about 100 percent stronger than the HIV virus. So there are good chances that this vaccine will cure the HIV virus too. It is also seen that while doing the intercourse there are no complications and the monkeys are perfectly normal in their behavior. The scientist says that this is a very important development and in coming days the chances of saving people suffering from HIV will increase. Still it is early to use the word eradicate virus but in monkeys it is seen that there are no virus left in their bodies.

क्‍या आपने फिल्‍म ग्रैंड मस्‍ती देख ली. अगर इस वीकेंड देखने की सोच रहे हैं तो जाने से पहले यहां पढ़ें इस फिल्‍म की समीक्षा और जानें कैसी है

डायरेक्टर: इंद्र कुमार
कलाकार: विवेक ओबेरॉय, रितेश देशमुख, आफताब शिवदासानी, सोनाली कुलकर्णी, ब्रूना अब्दुल्ला, करिश्मा तन्ना, कायनात अरोड़ा, मरयम जकारिया और मंजरी फडनीस
बजट: 20-22 करोड़ रु.

अगर आप एडल्ट हैं तो ग्रैंड मस्ती आपके लिए दो लिहाज से बहुत बढ़िया हैः पहला एंटरटेनमेंट और दूसरा फनी सेक्स एजुकेशन के लिए. फिल्म में आपको बताया जाता है कि सेक्स की भाषा में ए फॉर क्या होता है और बी फॉर क्या होता है...और एफ से क्या होता है. आपको कुछ मुहावरों का नए संदर्भ में इस्तेमाल भी नजर आएगा, जैसे नाम बड़े और दर्शन छोटे. आपको यह भी समझ में आ जाएगा टिक टिक घोड़ा कैसे खेलते हैं. आप यह भी समझ जाएंगे कि किसी कॉलेज की शॉर्ट फॉर्म स्लट्स भी हो सकती है. 

कुछ दिन पहले बातचीत में इंद्र कुमार और कायनात अरोड़ा ने जिस तरह की एडल्ट कॉमेडी की बात कही थी, ग्रैंड मस्ती उस कसौटी पर एकदम सही उतरती है. फिल्म बोल्ड विजुअल्स और नॉन वेज जोक्स का बेहतरीन कलेक्शन है, कुछ स्पेसेस छोड़ दें तो कहीं भी उकताहट महसूस नहीं होती है. हॉट तिकड़ी (ब्रूना, मरयम, कायनात) फिल्म की जान है. बेशक फिल्म में कुछ सीन अग्निपथ, नो एंट्री या फिर कई अंग्रेजी फिल्मों से लिए गए हैं, लेकिन उनको दिया गया नया ट्रीटमेंट इस बात को बिल्कुल भी चुभने नहीं देता है.

कहानी की बात 
ग्रैंड मस्ती देखते हुए कहानी की ओर ज्यादा ध्यान की ओर जरूरत नहीं है. तीन पति हैं, अपनी बिजी बीवियों से बोर हैं और कॉलेज रीयूनियन के लिए कॉलेज पहुंचते हैं. फिर अपनी ग्रैंड मस्ती की तैयारियों में जुट जाते हैं. यहीं उनकी मुलाकात तीन पटाखा लड़कियों रोज, मेरी, मारलो से होती है. फिर शुरू होता है, पतियों की सेक्स की भूख का नतीजा सामने आना. फिल्म में कुछ ऐसा नहीं है जो अप्रत्याशित हो लेकिन मजेदार डायलॉग और ऐक्टर्स के हाव-भाव खूब गुदगुदाते हैं.

स्टार अपील
रितेश देशमुख की कॉमेडी में टाइमिंग हमेशा से जबरदस्त रही है. फिल्म में उन्हें देखना वाकई मजेदार है. आफताब शिवदासानी ने अच्छा काम किया है. हालांकि विवेक ओबेरॉय भी इन दोनों के बीच खप जाते हैं. शरीफ बीवियों के रोल में सोनाली कुलकर्णी, करिश्मा तन्ना और मंजरी फडनीस जमी हैं. असली कहर बरपाया है रोज (मरयम जकारिया), मेरी (ब्रूना अब्दुल्ला) और मारलो (कायनात अरोड़ा) ने. इनकी सेक्सी अदाएं ठंडी आहें निकाल देती हैं तो वन लाइनर्स भी धमाल हैं. इस तरह की हॉट तिकड़ी वाकई धमाल है. फिल्म में बार-बार निगाहें इन तीनों को ढूंढती हैं. हालांकि रोज मेरी मारलो का कॉन्सेप्ट 2001 की हिट फिल्म स्टाइल से लिया गया है.

कमाई की बात
ग्रैंड मस्ती का बजट इंद्र कुमार ने काफी सीमित रखा है. हालांकि पंजाब, हरियाणा और चंडीगढ़ में फिल्म के रिलीज न होने से इसके बिजनेस पर असर पड़ सकता है, लेकिन कम बजट फिल्म होने की वजह से फिल्म को लागत निकालने में ज्यादा मुश्किल आएगी नहीं. वैसे भी फिल्म को ए सर्टिफिकेट मिला है तो ऐसे में दर्शकों का वर्ग वैसे भी काफी हद तक सीमित हो जाता है. अगर इस वीकेंड कुछ खास नहीं है और आप एडल्ट हैं तो यह फिल्म आपके लिए ही है और पैसा वसूल है.


These pillars of higher learning are also home to some of the world’s most incredible architecture. Below is a small collection of stunning libraries around the globe. From the historical to the modern, these centers of knowledge and learning also preserve the history and culture of their respective periods. Personally, I would find it hard to concentrate in some of these places, they are too beautiful for the eye not to wander.

University Club Library – New York City, United States

CA student hacks Anil Ambani’s IT account

courtesy- the hindu

CA student hacks Anil Ambani’s IT account........

A young chartered accountant student from Hyderabad has allegedly hacked into the e-filing of income tax returns account of leading industrialist Anil Ambani, with an intention to know his income and tax amount paid over a period of time, police said on Friday.
The 21-year-old woman, who has been doing her chartered accountancy articleship at Manoj Daga & Company in Hyderabad, was booked under relevant sections of Information Technology Act on September 7, after a preliminary investigation and faces arrest in the case.
“The girl hacked Ambani’s e-filing of Income-Tax returns account with an intention to check the industrialist’s income and tax amount paid by him over the period of time.
After hacking the account of the chairman of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG), she accessed the details of his income, tax amount paid, PAN card number and even changed twice the password of his e-account on the IT website,” an official involved in the probe said.
According to police, a chartered accountant firm in Mumbai, which files 54-year-old Ambani’s individual tax details, was intimated through an email from IT department on June 26 that as per request, the industrialist’s e-return account had been changed. Again on July 12, the firm received another email stating that second time the password had been changed.
As suspicion grew, the ADAG group representative complained to Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Himanshu Roy, who directed cyber cell inspector Mukund Pawar to probe the case.
“As preliminary probe suggested it as a clear case of cyber crime since it involved hacking into the e—return account, a case was registered on September 7. Probe revealed that the account was hacked from Manoj Daga & Company’s computer following which a team rushed there and upon questioning, the girl confessed to have hacked into Ambani’s account,” Mr. Pawar said.
The server has been seized, Mr. Pawar said adding that, “we have all technical and physical evidence against her. The accused, who is in Hyderabad, will have to face the arrest.”
The offence was bailable and she will be arrested soon, another police official said.

The World’s Best Dressed Dog

Bodhi (named after Patrick Swayze’s character in Point Break) is a 3-year-old Shiba Inu breed living in New York City with
  his owners David Fung, 28, a graphic designer; and his fashion-designer girlfriend, Yena Kim, 26. One lazy day they decided
 to dress up Bodhi in one of Fung’s outfits. The photo was posted to Facebook as a joke but it struck a chord with friends and
 Menswear Dog was born.The dapper dog quickly went viral, sporting the latest in mens fashion and inspiring fans with his
 style and panache. You can follow the fashion maven online at all of the places listed below :)